{ sketches }

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 | |

Went to an art supply store in MQ yesterday and it was AMAZING. I seriously could have stayed in that shop all day and night! I love to going into art stores, wandering around and looking at all the brushes, papers, paints etc. They have every color imaginable! Made my head spin. The only problem is that the stuff are a bit pricey :( Otherwise i'd buy EVERYTHING and spend a lot of money in there!

Walked out with this! (Sketchbook) Price: B$12.00

New sketchbook

Here are a few sketches from my old sketchbook:

Sketch #3

Sketch #2

Sketch #1


Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like this blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal

Amalina said...

Aww, thanks a lot! I really appreciate it.

Amalina said...

Aww, thanks a lot! I really appreciate it.